Silver Category Horses Compete in Krafft Championship Final

On Sunday 3rd December will see 12 of the best Silver Category horses competing in the Krafft Championship Final. This year this competition saw a record number of horses enlisted as with 111 registered horses ten preliminary heats had to be raced from which 40horses made it through to the semi final stage.  The competition was tough as all horses tried their best to qualify for this final which has now become a fixture in the local racing calendar having been initiated in 2015.

During the press conference, Shawn Pete Azzopardi who is the importer of the Krafft horse feed in Malta, expressed his satisfaction that so many horses showed interest in this championship and also the high level of competition.

From his part, Malta Racing Club’s vice Chairman Anthony Demanuele said that this great number of enlisted horses shows that interest in horse racing keeps on growing every year with owners investing in new horses practically every week.

Dr Matthew Brincat, Malta Equidrome’s CEO said that with the continuous support of sponsors, high level competitions can be organised giving a spectacle to horse owners and spectators. He said that the Malta Equidrome’s aim is to continue attracting new collaborators to create new competitions throughout the year.

The first four finishers will be awarded trophies and horse blankets apart from prize money.

The owners of the 12 horses were present in order to witness the draws defining the starting position in the final.