Eldorado de Ver wins EquestriMalta President’s Cup

In front of packed spectator stands, Eldorado de Ver driven by Noel Baldacchino won this year’s edition of the EquestriMalta President’s Cup. In spite of not being quoted as one of the favourites and also having a back number in the race, the 9-year old French gelding sprinted home to victory in the last metres of the finishing straight.

This horse had made his debut in the Gold category mid March with a victory going on to win the Bavaria Championship for the same category and gaining promotion to the Premier Category. This victory was his 6th local one from 14 starts.

Presentation of the trophies was done by H.E. The President of Malta Dr George Vella in the presence of Hon. Clifton Grima Minister responsible from Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation as well as Mr John Huber Chairman of EquestriMalta and the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation, EquestriMalta’s CEO Mr Max Zammit, Malta Racing Club’s Chairman Mr Anthony Mifsud and Malta Equidrome’s CEO Dr Matthew Brincat.

This was also an event in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation and the owners of the winning horse pledged Euro 2000 towards this worthy cause. A collection was also made during the event which amounted to Euro 1682.83

Photo Alex Azzopardi