Assikura Speed Race – An Innovative Race for Malta

Monday afternoon at the Malta Equidrome a press conference was called in order to launch a brand new competition in the local horse racing calendar.

Together with Mr Andrew Grech General Manager of Assikura Insurance and Anthony Demanuele Vice Chairman of the Malta Racing Club, the CEO of the Malta Equidrome Matthew Brincat announced that the Malta Equidrome will be hosting the first ever speed race in Malta.

This event is a spectacular one for both participants and spectators which for many years has been a major event in Scandinavia and after discussions with Assikura Insurance it has now also arrived in Malta.

Mr Andrew Grech said that whilst for many years Assikura Insurance has been associated with horse racing championships, they felt that in addition to this they wanted to create an innovative event that will further enhance their support to this much sought after sport. When the Malta Equidrome approached them with the idea of this speed race they immediatey realised that it was exactly the kind of event they wanted and thus are proud to be supporting this Assikura Speedrace which will take place on Sunday 17th December.

The vice Chairman of the Malta Racing Club Anthony Demanuele said that when the Malta Equidrome had approached them with the idea of this event they quickly gave their support knowing that this is an event to further enhance the horse racing programmes. Working as a team the rules and regulations were worked out modelled on what has already been organised internationally and like everyone else is looking forward to this first edition of the Assikura Speedrace.

Nine horses were chosen according to the established terms and conditions and at the end of the press conference these were grouped so that 3 heats are run consecutively with the winner from each heat taking part in the final race off. This competition is over the 640m distance hence the speedrace concept.

Attractive prize money has been allocated for this race amounting to a total of €5400 which not only includes those taking part in the race off but also consolation prizes for the other 6 horses. Bespoke trophies will also be presented as well as a presentation blanket to the winner.